Dream Vacation Rentals Case Study

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Kelowna Web Design - Short Term Rental Management

Today we will dive into our completed web design project for Dream Vacation Rentals. Dream Vacation rentals is a short term rental management company in Kelowna BC. They offer direct booking for all their client’s properties, directly through their website.

Their software allows users to update listings on Airbnb, Booking.com, VRBO and many others, all at the same time. Offering the ability to make changes across all platforms, in one easy to manage dashboard. Property owners that work with Dream Vacation Rentals are able to greatly increase their exposure and their number of bookings.

Dream Vacation Rentals approached us, after trying to work with a third party web designer for 7-months. Despite months of promises that they would deliver – they had simply bit off more than they could chew. Here are a few key points from our project:

  • UX Design and User Interface
  • On-Page Optimization – Setting a Foundation for SEO
  • Implement Hostaway Booking API
  • Transfer Hosting
Case Study SEO

Website Re-Design using Adobe XD

Dream Vacation Rentals is a newer business, that approached us with not much more than a logo. Their previous web designer selected a theme template for the website. This left him limited for design and unable to implement any requests from our client.

We created a custom design using Adobe XD, and then tested the user experience with the exported prototype. Upon approval from the client we were able to proceed with web development.

We created a custom theme using Elementor. We were then able to customize certain elements from Hostaway using CSS. By doing so, we we able to work with our customer to exceed their expectations on design.

The menu is sticky to the top, allowing for easy navigation from services, to properties. Despite offering services to both consumers and property owners, users can find what they’re looking for with in one click.

On-Page Search Engine Optimization

Prior to copywriting, we used SEMrush to provide in depth analytics and keyword research. This ensures that we use the most popular search terms within their content.

Even if our clients don’t have the budget for search engine optimization (SEO), we always build a foundation for the future. We ran all of their content against our AI content writer, to ensure consistent readability and tone of voice.

Our web developers used alt text, meta descriptions, title tags and created a sitemap. For more information on this, you can read our detailed blog about on-page SEO.

We look forward to working with them in the future for SEO strategy, off-page technical SEO and backlink building. Due to the foundation we have built, it will be much easier to implement.

Web Development in Calgary

Implement Hostaway Booking API

Working with the client we tried several options for a direct booking web application, and found Hostaway to be the most reliable. Hostaway is the fastest growing WordPress plug-in for short term vacation property management. In fact, they just raised $175 million to shape the future of short-term rental management.

We implemented and tailored their API to meet the requirements of Dream Vacation Rentals, while also enabling their clients to develop their own personalized platforms – a topic we will delve into in a future blog post.

Secure Enterprise Web Hosting

The previous web designer set up hosting on GoDaddy. While we believe that GoDaddy is a great affordable choice for new businesses, we strive to provide more. We set up Dream Vacation Rentals on our lightning fast agency hosting. They will now benefit from managed plug-in updates, daily back-ups and malware protection.

We were also able to increase the RAM, allowing for this web page to load in as little as .1 seconds.

We believe that security is key to establishing a trust-worthy online business. Now our client is able to rest assured that their website is secure and safe from unwanted visitors.

It was an absolute pleasure working with Dream Vacation Rentals, and we look forward to a long business partnership. Our designers and developer succeeded in making their dream a reality. Design is in the process, and due to the open mind of our client, we created a memorable visual design.

If you’re tired of your web designer telling you what you can’t do, it’s time to give us a call. We provide web design services across Canada. Contact us today to book a free consultation and website audit.

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